kerana tiada yg ke-tiga...

on 22.6.06


I cannot help but be annoyed that everytime an issue that revolves around Islam is being mentioned by those who are experts in this religion of ours, there must be some voices from those of high positions questioning back, being all fired up, mocking and ridiculing these opinions. For me in Malay, it's cepat sangat melatah, buat pandai and kurang ajar.

Well in the past there are those from government authorities, the women department going nuts all over the amendment of syariah laws about women. When there really is nothing wrong with the amendment. Then, they say oh sorry they were misunderstood and blame third parties of non-existance for leading them towards the misconception.

Next there was the nikah misyar issue which again saw the very same people going all crazy about widows being sex slave to men without them really understanding the conception behind nikah misyar itself. Really all these melatah thingy makes me feel very insulted as a women especially since it came from women themselves. They should resort to understanding first before speaking all out. Why all these berburuk sangka towards concepts that originated from Islam or explained by people who have deep knowledge in Islam. Islam is pure and it leads towards goodness only. Do they not have enough faith in their own faith? Now, it's the issue of kongsi-raya. Again we are seeing them mocking the ulama, questioning who are they, whether they have enough expertise to comment on such matter.The ulama' were just saying we should not CELEBRATE non-Muslims festivals as our own festivals.because usually kita yg beria-ia christmas for example.That's what they mean.And further elaborated by the mufti...",

Next there was the nikah misyar issue which again saw the very same people going all crazy about widows being sex slave to men without them really understanding the conception behind nikah misyar itself.

Really all these melatah thingy makes me feel very insulted as a women especially since it came from women themselves. They should resort to understanding first before speaking all out. Why all these berburuk sangka towards concepts that originated from Islam or explained by people who have deep knowledge in Islam. Islam is pure and it leads towards goodness only. Do they not have enough faith in their own faith?

Now, it's the issue of kongsi-raya.
Again we are seeing them mocking the ulama', questioning who are they, whether they have enough expertise to comment on such matter.The ulama' were just saying we should not CELEBRATE non-Muslims festivals as our own festivals.because usually kita yg beria-ia christmas for example.That's what they mean.And further elaborated by the mufti...
"Mufti Perak, Datuk Seri Harussani Zakaria, berkata adalah tidak salah bagi orang Islam hadir pada majlis perayaan agama lain yang dianjurkan jiran atau rakan bukan Islam sebagai tanda persahabatan, perpaduan atau muhibah.Bagaimanapun, katanya, apa yang menjadi kesalahan ialah apabila orang Islam sendiri yang begitu beria-ria\n meraikannya seperti memberi hadiah atau memakai pakaian baru merayakan perayaan agama lain. "Pada zaman permulaan Islam, ada umat Islam yang merayakan perayaan Gahambas daripada fahaman Zoroastrisme kerana ia sudah menjadi amalan masyarakat Arab Jahiliah ketika itu."Zoroastrisme adalah agama menyembah api yang berasal dari Parsi dan tersebar luas sehingga Tanah Arab sejak 2,000 tahun lalu."Berikutan itu, Nabi Muhammad SAW bersabda bahawa umat Islam ada perayaannya iaitu Aidilfitri dan Aidiladha yang mesti disambut, bukannya perayaan agama lain,

"Mufti Perak, Datuk Seri Harussani Zakaria, berkata adalah tidak salah bagi orang Islam hadir pada majlis perayaan agama lain yang dianjurkan jiran atau rakan bukan Islam sebagai tanda persahabatan, perpaduan atau muhibah.Bagaimanapun, katanya, apa yang menjadi kesalahan ialah apabila orang Islam sendiri yang begitu beria-ria meraikannya seperti memberi hadiah atau memakai pakaian baru merayakan perayaan agama lain.
"Pada zaman permulaan Islam, ada umat Islam yang merayakan perayaan Gahambas daripada fahaman Zoroastrisme kerana ia sudah menjadi amalan masyarakat Arab Jahiliah ketika itu."Zoroastrisme adalah agama menyembah api yang berasal dari Parsi dan tersebar luas sehingga Tanah Arab sejak 2,000 tahun lalu."Berikutan itu, Nabi Muhammad SAW bersabda bahawa umat Islam ada perayaannya iaitu Aidilfitri dan Aidiladha yang mesti disambut, bukannya perayaan agama lain,"
But once they heard just the title of no to kongsi raya, immediately they say about perpaduan malaysia,akan teruskan juga rumah terbuka (which no one says u cant at the first place),of what do the ulama' know. For one thing as Muslims, faith should always come first.Kalo tak kongsi raya tak berpadu ke rakyat negara kita. Is our country really that pathetic. And for another thing, as Muslims should we not LISTEN first to what the ulama's are trying to say before labelling them as know-nothing people. They really are doing a good job at making the ulama looking like idiots. What more the issue is taken up by medias who love to polish things on the surface only. It makes my heart bleed to see such mockery and disrespect towards the pious people. The ones who hold high position during Prophet's time. Ulama' pewaris nabi. Do they not fear the wrath of God by chiding these people away. In fact with all the low moral activities, social ills going on in Malaysia, perhaps the only thing that is saving us from God's wrath is these alim people. Pious people which are close to God.
But once they heard just the title of no to kongsi raya, immediately they say about perpaduan malaysia,akan teruskan juga rumah terbuka (which no one says u cant at the first place),of what do the ulama' know. For one thing as Muslims, faith should always come first.Kalo tak kongsi raya tak berpadu ke rakyat negara kita. Is our country really that pathetic. And for another thing, as Muslims should we not LISTEN first to what the ulama's are trying to say before labelling them as know-nothing people. They really are doing a good job at making the ulama looking like idiots. What more the issue is taken up by medias who love to polish things on the surface only.

It makes my heart bleed to see such mockery and disrespect towards the pious people. The ones who hold high position during Prophet's time. Ulama' pewaris nabi. Do they not fear the wrath of God by chiding these people away. In fact with all the low moral activities, social ills going on in Malaysia, perhaps the only thing that is saving us from God's wrath is these alim people. Pious people which are close to God.
Do we have to wait for an earthquake or an ethnic cleansing or a tsunami for us to be humbled over, to realise and reflect. Which by that time all that is left would be regret.


'Umayr SRA said...

Waaaah... Cilok artikel dari blog orang lain nampak?


Tertipu seketika ingat die punye...